Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gilded Age - Hannah

1st section: "Gilded Age"
1. What were the years of the gilded age? 1878-1889

2. What business was JD Rockefeller involved in? Oil

3. What business was Andrew Carnegie involved in? Steel

4. Who is Susan B. Anthony chasing after in the cartoon, and which amendment did she support? President Grover Cleveland, she wants women to have the right to vote. She supported the 19th amendment.

5. What industry lead the way for Standard timezones and why? The railroad industry. When people began traveling hundreds of miles in a day by train, calculating the time became a problem.

6. Which river was the site of the first hydroelectric dam? And what government program spread hydroelectricity into the south?Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

7. Which president dedicated the Statue of Liberty? And what is the significance of Emma Lazarus poem enscribed at her base?President Grover Cleveland. The words by poet Emma Lazarus reflect the hope for freedom and opportunity shared by the millions who see Miss Liberty after a long ocean journey.

8. What famous wealthy investors established the Edison Light Company? J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts established the Edison Light Company.

9. What was the major conflict in the Dakota territory? Indians

10. What was Billy the Kid's real name?William Bonney or Henry McCarty

11. What causes did Grace Abbott fight for?She was assigned to the Children's Bureau in charge of investigating and reporting on issues related to child welfare, and child labor.

12. When was the first metal detector used? And what killed president Garfield?Surgeons tried to locate the bullet in the president's back. Even Alexander Graham Bell tried to help by inventing a metal detector. It was the infection, caused by doctors probing the president's wound with unwashed hands, that eventually killed James A. Garfield.

13. Where was the pyramid of the Washington Monument put on display before being placed on top?Section 2 use "more gilded Age" It was displayed at Tiffany's jewelry store in New York before it was placed at the top.

14. How do you think the closing of the frontier and growth of industry shaped our country at the time? It assisted in destroying the already dying cultures of the indians.

15. Who coined the term "Gilded Age"? And why does it accurately depict this period in history?Section 3 use "Andrew Carnegie" click on timeline then interactive version : Andrew Carnegie, this period in history is where the iron/ steel industry boomed.

16. In a paragraph, describe Andrew Carnegie's rise to success as a steel man.
He learns the ins and outs of the railroad industry when he goes to work at Pennsylvania. Canregie becomes superintendent at the Pennsylvania railroad company. When Andrew goes to England to visit Henry he realizes the commercial potential of steel and goes to the U.S and opens his first steel plant.
17. Was Andrew Carnegie a Robber Baron or Captain of Industry? Defend your point of view.Section 4: Use "Homestead Strike" to answer the following.He was a Robber Baron. Andrew Carnegie precipitated the Homestead Strike of 1892 with his attack against the standard of living of the workers and his bid to break the union representing the highest skilled workers.

18. What company did the strikers work for? Carnegie company in the US

19. Why did these workers go on strike? An ultimatum was issued for workers to accept the wage cut by June 24th or face mass layoffs.
The workers did not take these provocations lightly. They were not about to abandon the union and submit to Carnegie’s dictates without a fight.

20. After reading the story, do you think the management made the right decisions in dealing with the strike? Why? No. Thirty workers were wounded, and three killed in the early fighting. Instead of waiting for for months, armed troops should have been sent in during the beginning to prevent all the death of the strickers.